Kiraya Kestin

Caesar’s Whimsical Dreamscape

Dreams are often seen as a sanctuary, a realm without boundaries where our imaginations roam free. They are places where we can experience the extraordinary, sometimes encountering moments that escape the confines of our waking lives. In her latest book, “Caesar”, Kiraya Kestin brings to life the vivid story of her childhood and cherished memories from her father’s memories on their homestead.

In “Caesar,” readers are transported to Northeastern Montana, where young Caesar explores the rolling hills and expansive fields of his family’s land. Through Kiraya Kestin’s descriptive storytelling, we witness Caesar’s connection to the homestead, where cows and coyotes alike find their place in the pastoral landscape.

Caesar’s dream was filled with the sights and sounds of the homestead. As he drifts into sleep, he imagines himself standing on a knoll, scanning the land he knows so well. In this dreams, he watched over the animals, feeling a sense of responsibility and pride in his role as their guardian. The cows rest peacefully, and even the coyotes, usually so sly, lie down in submission.

But suddenly, Caesar feels a strange tug on his tail, followed by the eerie moaning of the wind. An unsettling sensation fills the air, and a loud squeal suddenly jolts him awake. What could have caused this abrupt end to his dream?

To uncover the mystery and dive deeper into Caesar’s experiences, get your copy of “Caesar” by Kiraya Kestin. Available now on her official website and Amazon, this book offers a heartfelt glimpse into the past, woven with the threads of family history and the beauty of dreamscapes.

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